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OrangeFab News
Tu as une idée révolutionnaire, mais tu n’as pas encore les compétences techniques pour la réaliser ? Nous avons le programme pour t’aider à réaliser ton projet et il commence cet été ! En 6 semaines, tu vas apprendre à créer des sites web et des applications professionnelles grâce au NoCode. Et, ce n'est pas tout : nous allons t’accompagner dans le développement de ton idée et en faire une véritable start-up. Alors, ça te tente ?

OrangeFab News
How to reduce the environmental impact of public buildings in Brussels? Trigrr, an Orange Fab winner, is contributing with Smart Building, a world-first solution that orchestrates all the technologies used in a building. We met its CMO, Sébastien Degrave.

OrangeFab News
Orange Belgium aims to become the preferred tech & telco employer in Belgium, as a key pillar of its ‘Lead the Future’ strategy. To strengthen this ambition, the operator welcomes Orange Ventures, Orange’s venture capital investment subsidiary, to boost its support for tech talents and the local tech ecosystem in Belgium.

OrangeFab News
Yesterday, at BeCentral in Brussels, was the 6th edition of the Orange Fab start-up Accelerator Program. After a thorough preselection and pitch process, Builtwins, Shayp and Trigrr have been chosen by a jury to enter the operator's Accelerator Program for the duration of six months.

OrangeFab News
Orange proposera une sixième saison d’OrangeFab Belux en septembre. Depuis la création de son programme d’accélération de start-ups, en 2016, l’opérateur a accompagné une quinzaine d’acteurs dans la mise en œuvre de projets innovants visant le développement de nouveaux services ou produits ou contribuant à répondre à divers enjeux business ou commerciaux.

Ecosystem News
Orange Ventures and Orange Fab work hand in hand to support startups while driving their own business interests. A perfect case of corporate-startup collaboration.

Ecosystem News
To help reduce the digital divide, Orange Belgium today opened an Orange Digital Center in the heart of Brussels, in the presence of Petra De Sutter, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration, Public Enterprises, Telecommunication and the Postal Services and Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière, Deputy CEO of Orange Group, in charge of Orange’s operational activities in Europe. The Orange Digital Center will serve as a support and development center allowing everyone to acquire and improve their digital and entrepreneurial skills, with activities ranging from digital training to coaching for small businesses and start-ups, offering a genuine trajectory for personal and business growth.

OrangeFab News
La 5ème saison d’Orange Fab était consacrée aux solutions AR, VR ou métavers contribuant à améliorer l’expérience clients ou à en créer de nouvelles. Virtual Rangers, Nirli et WithVR sont les 3 start-up lauréates de cette édition Orange Fab 2022. Ces start-up bénéficieront du programme d’accélération d’Orange pendant 6 mois.

OrangeFab News
After a thorough preselection and pitch process, Virtual Rangers, Nirli and withVR will be joining the 5th season of the Orange Fab program, allowing them to innovate on 5G applications within the global framework of the Orange Group and its 18 Orange Fabs all over the world. After Antwerp and Brussels, this year’s edition took place in Liège, at La Grand Poste, were the next Orange Belgium 5G Lab will soon open. The selected start-ups will receive support from Orange experts and premium access to Orange 5G Labs as well as the operator's contacts. The goal of the Orange Fab program is to build a long-term business partnership with those innovative start-ups, the theme of this 5th season being the development of new experiences (AR/VR/metaverse) on the Orange multigigabit network, focusing on new shop and retail experiences, entertainment, sports technology, and healthcare.

Alumni News
The importance of networks was demonstrated once again in 2021, when they became an even more essential part of our daily lives, to work, learn, communicate, and access entertainment. Networks are also central to our business and a key pillar of our Engage 2025 strategic plan, which is why we continued our efforts to accelerate fiber and 5G deployments across Europe. The Group also opened several Orange 5G Labs, enabling European companies to test and develop future 5G applications. Finally, as a responsible operator, Orange is committed to becoming net zero carbon by 2040, and network innovation will be a key contributing factor.

Ecosystem News
Did you know that 50% of Belgian SMEs and self-employed people have suffered from cyberattack-related troubles? That said, you’d still be amazed how many people, organisations and especially startups underestimate the dangers. Want to know what you can do to prevent digital villains from attacking your network? We’ve asked our partner Orange to share their most important advice. And don’t worry: even if you’re no tech wizard, these 5 easy tips can make a huge difference. Watch the video to find out and stay safe!

Ecosystem News
After the inauguration of its first 5G Lab in Antwerp in October 2021, Orange Belgium forged a partnership with the iconic Grand Poste of Liège, veritable hub dedicated to creative companies and innovation. The objective of the 5G Lab in Liège is to demystify this new technology and demonstrate its possibilities and applications. The lab will also be used to develop and test out innovative and concrete new 5G applications in collaboration with customers, prospects and partners.