At MWC 2022, Orange will be presenting its latest network innovations and uses. Visit the Orange stand in Hall 3, 3K10 or online via MYMWC*

The importance of networks was demonstrated once again in 2021, when they became an even more essential part of our daily lives, to work, learn, communicate, and access entertainment. Networks are also central to our business and a key pillar of our Engage 2025 strategic plan, which is why we continued our efforts to accelerate … Continued

OTIV innovates with self-driving 5G rail vehicles

“Autonomous driving on rails” by OTIV is one of the 5G use cases supported by the Orange Fab programme. The start-up can count on the expertise of Orange Belgium for the necessary connectivity. “Thanks to the extensive Orange network, we are in touch with potential customers all over Europe,” OTIV co-founder Sam De Smet says.

CommuniThings lanceert voor het eerst NB-IoT Smart Parking in de stad Luik, in samenwerking met Orange

CommuniThings kondigde de commerciële lancering aan van de eerste Smart Parking-oplossing via NB-IoT-technologie, in samenwerking met Orange. De “Shop & Drive”-oplossing die in Luik wordt voorgesteld, helpt pendelaars parkeerruimte vinden via een mobiele app, terwijl een betere parkeerrotatie meer shoppers aanvoert. De Smart Parking-oplossing draait op het mobiele IoT-netwerk van Orange Belgium en gebruikt draadloze … Continued