The Orange Fab Alumni Community
Since 2016, the Orange Fab has supported diverse entrepreneurs around a unique community!
Each collaboration is unique! Check here to discover our Orange Fab start-ups and get inspired.

Our case studies
Discover the collaboration between Orange Fab and the start-up withVR!
Unleash the power of virtual reality for speech therapy with withVR! Watch founder Gareth Walkom presents their solution in this video and talks about his experience with Orange Fab.

Discover the use case Nirli developed for our partner La Grand Poste.
Nirli is a start-up from the 5th season of Orange Fab and they used VR to recreate the building of La Grand Poste as it was 150 years ago! A great way to learn more about this historical building and offer visitors an immersive and innovative experience.

Discover the daily life of Jean-Marc from the start-up Nirli (Orange Fab S5) and how he is working with Orange Belgium.
Looking after my children with one arm has taught me to face challenges and adapt to innovations," says Jean-Marc Duyckaerts. As CEO of Nirli, he uses 3D and virtual reality applications to facilitate learning in the workplace. Read about his passion for new technologies and his plan to put innovation at the service of people.

Orange Fab BeLux Season 5 - Aftermovie Pitch Contest
Watch the aftermovie of our Pitch Contest 2022! Discover the 3 start-ups selected to join the acceleration program for this season around Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Metaverse.